The Difference Between Surgical Mask and Disposable Mask – Where to Buy Surgical Face Masks

The Difference Between Surgical Mask and Disposable Mask – Where to Buy Surgical Face Masks

All types of masks are considered as disposable masks. However, not all disposable masks fall into the category of surgical masks. So, what is the difference between surgical and disposable masks, and where to buy surgical face masks?

While COVID is still a threat to many communities, the majority of people still wear masks to protect themselves from the uncertainty. Hence, it’s important you choose the right type of mask, so you can shield yourself from COVID-19 and other airborne illnesses.

In many industries, it’s crucial to choose the right type of mask, especially for workers who have close contact with their patients such as dentists and the medical field. This is not because of the presence of a pandemic, but because there is a need to be careful during these times.

Let’s further talk about the surgical mask vs disposable mask debate. And, before you decide to buy a mask, it’s important you learn the differences between these.

Does it Matter What Type of Mask You Use?

Not all face masks are equal to each other, in quality and physical appearance. Moreover, there are many face masks out there that are created for specific reasons such as protecting one from airborne illnesses. Similarly, each mask has its own features and provides different sorts of protection against diseases.

Furthermore, face masks in the same category differ in quality and effectiveness depending on the brand.

For COVID-19 and other diseases, the type of mask you choose determines how much protection you have against those diseases. So, how do you know which kind of face mask is the best one to use?

Is There a Difference between Surgical Masks vs Disposable Masks?

Surgical masks are also disposable masks, but not all disposable masks are surgical masks. For a better understanding of this debate, let’s explore their differences.

What Are Surgical Masks?

You can call surgical masks, medical masks, and procedures masks as well. Moreover, it is to protect the person wearing it from large particle droplets, splashes, and sprays. Hence, they also mitigate the risk of transmission of respiratory secretions from person to person. Thus, this makes them a more effective measure against respiratory illnesses and COVID-19. These masks are mostly used for healthcare procedures and they are also used in industries that are beyond healthcare, such as food service and manufacturing.

What Are Disposable Masks?

Disposable masks also include surgical masks and respirators. Moreover, a respirator would provide better protection against airborne illnesses since it can filter both large droplets and small particle aerosols. Moreover, the fitting of a disposable mask fits tightly and prevents particles from entering through the gaps and edges of the mask.

Surgical Masks vs Disposable Masks: Choosing the Right Type for Your Needs

When we talk about this debate, there’s not much difference. Similarly, surgical masks are disposable masks. However, not all disposable masks are considered surgical masks. So, do you want to know which one is the most suitable for your needs?


Surgical masks often consist of numerous layers of non-woven cloth, as well as disposable materials such as polystyrene and polyethylene. Moreover, surgical masks are inexpensive, they are not extremely durable. Hence, surgical masks are easy to tear and crumble. And, if you aren’t careful, it’s easy to damage the surgical face mask.

On the other hand, disposable masks are like respirators. And, they are made from nonwoven fabric. However, they are stronger and thicker than surgical face masks. Similarly, this makes them more reusable compared to a surgical face mask.


Surgical masks are loose when you put them on your face, not tight-fitted. Hence, they leave gaps around the sides or the bottom. If the situation is nonhazardous, the loose fit does not affect the effectiveness of surgical face masks greatly.

Additionally, disposable masks are tight on your face. There are some disposable face masks that come with ties, and this way you can adjust the mask however you would like. The primary objective of wearing a mask in the food service business, for example, is to keep a worker’s respiratory emissions from contaminating food. A surgical face mask will suffice for this purpose.


Both surgical masks and disposable respirators can become unpleasant after extended use. Moreover, surgical masks, on the other hand, are more comfortable overall because of their looser fit and softer materials. For the sake of your skin, a surgical mask would be better since they are comfortable and not extremely tight on the face, causing room for air for your skin.

About Us

A2 Sustainable Supplies is a minority-owned business focused on keeping life sustainable by providing goods and services to improve the living environment. Our list of medical and non-medical products is extensive and our ability to provide the products at a reasonable and competitive price is key.ttis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

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