Everything About Face Masks: From Significance To Myths

face masks that tie behind the head

You will see face masks mostly in hospitals as doctors and nurses are required to wear them every time. Not just them, but people who are sick wear them. If you are wondering why? The simple answer is that different patients come with different diseases, and a face mask protects them and prevents the spread of disease.

In this blog, we will be focusing on the topic – of why face masks are important! Let’s dive in.


  • If you get sick, wearing a mask can save others from infection, which can spread when you sneeze, cough, or talk. Wearing a cloth mask can reduce the risk of spreading the disease by 60 to 95 percent.
  • It’s not just other people who need protection. By wearing a mask, you are protecting yourself as well.
  • If you have a cloth face mask that tie behind the head, washing it after every use will allow you to use them again. You won’t have to buy them every time.

Debunking Myths About Face Masks

  • If you are thinking that wearing a mask may raise the carbon dioxide level, let me tell you, it’s just a myth. Let’s take the example of doctors, they have to wear it at the time of surgery, which can continue for eight hours even. It indicates that masks don’t affect the oxygen level.
  • People seem worried about how they are going to breathe while wearing a mask. Let me clear one thing, a mask won’t prevent you from breathing properly.
  • There’s another myth that a mask weakens your immune system. It’s not true! How would a mask deplete your immunity?

Bottom line

Face masks are a great way to keep yourself and others safe from respiratory diseases. Wearing one isn’t going to make you sick or create any kind of problem. If you have heard of masks causing sickness, it’s just a myth.

About Us

A2 Sustainable Supplies is a minority-owned business focused on keeping life sustainable by providing goods and services to improve the living environment. Our list of medical and non-medical products is extensive and our ability to provide the products at a reasonable and competitive price is key.ttis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

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